Monday, December 14, 2009

When people change when something bad happends

I think when people change when something bad happends is because they are trying to not think about the problem or issue they had in the past. They want to try and forget it and not Think about it. I would go to a counsler. Snd try to talk to him about it.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Country Affairs

Should the United States Get Involved in Other Countries Affairs?

I think the United States should get involved in other Countries.
The United States will get more money and learn alot about other countires affairs.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

The Gilded Age Vocabulary

Gilded Age------------>



Tuesday, November 10, 2009

When to Get Involved?

Have you ever jumped into someone else's business? If so, why?
Yes, Because I wanted to see what they are talking about like If they were talking about mondern warfare 2 coming out today i wanted to see so I can get it and hear some information about it.

Under what conditions/situations is it ok or even necessary for you to get involved in someone else's business?
It is pretty good , I guess sometimes. But they will tell you to leave and I will.

When should people mind their own business?
When they are jumping in your business or when they are staring at you, and When you are trying to do work someone talks to you and they won't stop talking.

Friday, October 23, 2009

Benjamin Franklin

He was a inventor who created a light bulb and he did many things. then He was a printer. When he was ten years old he had worked with his father. It suprised me that at ten years old he worked with his father as a printer thats young, and now days Today life is way different because you don't have to worry about the boston tea party and stuff like that .

Thursday, October 22, 2009

ABout money

Are people actions driven by money?
Yes they are.

Does money lead to happiness?
Well it depends if the person has always wanted something expensive and couldn't afford it, but now since they have the money they can get it. So I would say yes it does make happiness.

Are the people that have money any better than those that don't?
Not really because, being wealthy is not always a good thing because most rich peole they will have a 50% chance of getting robbed or something happening to there money.

How do the wealthy get their money? Was it their work or others work that makes them rich?
Well they can get many ways, they can get it buy saving up there money from since they were kids or you can save the money when you get paid from work. Sometimes its other work that gets them paid, like the iphone or applications that they had invented for the phone, but the Apple people get there money.
Is it the responsibility of those that have money to share with others? yeah only if you want to, I would make a homeless shelter for the homeless people that they will be able to get an education and beds and showers and all that stuff, and they will have to pay rent like $50 a month to stay but they will get jobs so they can pay. so yeah they should share the money.

In the woods

McPherson Woods by Douglas Tomlinson

I see in the woods the Confederate soldiers,
They killed they Union soldiers,
There is blood everywhere,
Thousands of bodies laying there on the ground,

Being surrounded by the Confederate soldiers,
They got in a war,
The union soldiers failed against this war,
The confederate soldiers are waiting in the woods for more union soldiers to come,

Blood and guts everywhere too,
I see dead people,
The smell is horrible,
The smells of the bodies are terrible and they have been rooting on the ground for a while.

I can sense that someone is coming,
I run to my bag and get the gun,
I take the gun and the confederate soldier,
I died.

Hospital tent poem

“The Hospital Tent” By Douglas Tomlinson

There are so many bodies laying around,
The doctor is going to amputate there parts,
The doctor is getting ready to amputate this guys arm,
The man who is going to get amputated is scared and he has to bite on some wood

His arm is being cut off,
There is blood everywhere,
It’s horrifying to watch,
I am surprised that the man isn’t dead.

The smell is really gross,
Everywhere I go the smell gets worse and worse,
It seems like the smell is following me,
There is blood and guts all over the people and floor.\

There is blood all of the bread basket of this one guy,
He will not be fighting again,
Everywhere you look there is arms and legs around you,

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Doug's Fight

I got in a fight with my sister. I was so mad at her because she kept bothering me about playing a game with her. So do help me calm down I went outside and just fell in the grass or I would drive to the lake and fish. I am a nonviolence person, I hate fighting its wrong.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Growing up in pain and its exciting

Well, Growing up is pianful and exciting. It is painful when you are giving birth and when you get hurt or something like that. It is alos painful when you go through a process that allows you to grow hair. Its wxciting because you are new to the world and you don't no where you are and there is flowers surrounding you. There is that smell of fresh air.

Friday, September 11, 2009

The Boston Tea Party .

What did you learn about life during the revolutionary era from reading this document?- They had to dump the tea because of the taxes. so all of the tea had to be dump in the boston harbor. The Tea was destroyed was contained in three ships.They dumped the tea on a cer
ntain day. They were surrounded by the British army ships.

What surprised you the most about what you read?
That they had to dump all the tea in the ocean. They saved some of the tea, it was floating up a shore in the morning and they got the tea. They were mad because they couldn't pay the taxes for the tea so they dump the tea.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Assignment 2 Unit 2

The five purposes of the government is Defense, National Identify, Representation, infrastructure and Social Welfare.

I would join Because the five main purposes are good.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Assignment 1. Sould I stay or Should I go?

1. What motivates immigrants to come to the United States (today)? Consider what they lose and what they can gain in your argument.
2. Thousands of Europeans chose to move to the British colonies. Some for economic reasons and some for freedoms. If you decided to immigrate somewhere, would you move for economic reasons or for freedom?
* Write your response as a blog post. Be sure that your response addresses both questions above and is a minimum of 6-8 sentences. Use proper grammar, capitalization, etc. Give your post an appropriate title. After you publish your post, notify Mrs. Siegmund so she can grade it and award your points. *20 possible points.

The immigrants come to the United States for more work resources.

I would move for the economic reasons so I have a variety of job choices that I can choose from.
I would move for the freedom because that I have plenty of space to roam around, like downtown.
United States has good jobs and immigrants want to get a better job.

Immigrants who have lose there family could move to the United States.
We have a good economy.