Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Growing up in pain and its exciting

Well, Growing up is pianful and exciting. It is painful when you are giving birth and when you get hurt or something like that. It is alos painful when you go through a process that allows you to grow hair. Its wxciting because you are new to the world and you don't no where you are and there is flowers surrounding you. There is that smell of fresh air.


  1. I like what you said about being new to the world. You really do start seeing the world differently as you grow up. :)

    And yes, giving birth is a very good example of how growing up is painful!

  2. Yes, you definitely see the world differently when you are no longer a child.
    Good examples in this post, and you stayed on topic which is really good.

    A lot of small errors that you would catch if you would type your posts up in Word first and then paste it into your blog post.
    As is 17/20 points.
