Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Growing up in pain and its exciting

Well, Growing up is pianful and exciting. It is painful when you are giving birth and when you get hurt or something like that. It is alos painful when you go through a process that allows you to grow hair. Its wxciting because you are new to the world and you don't no where you are and there is flowers surrounding you. There is that smell of fresh air.

Friday, September 11, 2009

The Boston Tea Party .

What did you learn about life during the revolutionary era from reading this document?- They had to dump the tea because of the taxes. so all of the tea had to be dump in the boston harbor. The Tea was destroyed was contained in three ships.They dumped the tea on a cer
ntain day. They were surrounded by the British army ships.

What surprised you the most about what you read?
That they had to dump all the tea in the ocean. They saved some of the tea, it was floating up a shore in the morning and they got the tea. They were mad because they couldn't pay the taxes for the tea so they dump the tea.