Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Boom, Bust, Recovery

• 1. This picture shows that this is the first automobile and that they are proud to have the automobile.
• It is a wheeled motor vehicle used for transporting passengers that carries its own engine or motor. Automobiles became more popular in the 1920s.

Charles Lindbergh
• 2. In this picture of Charles Lindbergh, he is about to go to war and fight.
• Charles Augustus Lindbergh was an American aviator, author, inventor and explorer who gained fame during the 1920s.

Bessie Smith
• 3. This is a picture of Bessie Smith.
• She was an American Blues singer who became famous during the 1920s.

Babe Ruth
• 4. George Herman Ruth, known to the world as “Babe Ruth,” was the first sports superstar. He might have become baseball’s greatest left-handed pitcher. Instead, he moved to the outfield and became its greatest hitter.
• He had lived through the Red scare, and World War 1, and 2.

Duke Ellington
• 5. Was an American Composer, pianist, and big band leader who gained popularity during the Harlem Renaissance.

Zora Neale Hurston
• 6. She was an American folklorist and author during the time of the Harlem Renaissance.

19th Amendment
• 7. In this picture of the 19th Amendment, it says women have the right to vote.
• “The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State of account of sex. Congress shall have power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation”. Women gained suffrage in 1920.

Amelia Earhart
• 8. She was a famous female pilot from the 1920s.

Stock Market
• 1. In this picture from

the Stock Market it shows that a lot of people are buying stocks and

getting some profits off of them.
• In October 1929 the stock market crashed which sparked the Great Depression.

Dust Bowl
• 2. Was a bad dust storm that caused major damage to people and lands in the American prairie from 1930-­1936. This made it even worse for people during the Great Depression.

Black Tuesday
• 3. It was when the stock market crashed in October 1929.
• It lasted for quiet a while. Black Tuesday was an awful day for U.S. stocks which contributed to a world wide depression.

The Great Depression
• 4. The Great Depression was a severe worldwide economic depression before World War II.
• I chose Great Depression because it was a sad time period in the 1903s, and my great grandparents were in the great depression which really touched me, and they died because of it.

5. It is a settlement (something illegal or unauthorized) of poor people who live in dwellings made from scrap materials: often plywood, corrugated metal, and sheets of plastic. Shantytowns popped up around the U.S. during the Great Depression because of all the homeless people.

Bread Lines
• 6. is a place where food is offered to the hungry for free or at reasonably low price. They were common during the Great Depression because people lacked food.
• I think that bread lines are very good because you have homeless people that are hungry and little kids that starve to death and I think its right to feed them

Bonus Army
• 7. The self-named Bonus Expeditionary Force was an assemblage of some 43,000 marchers – 17,000 World War I veterans, their families, and affiliated groups, who protested in Washington, D.C., in spring and summer of 1932. They were protesting to get the money they felt they deserved and needed because of the financial problems during the 1930s.

The Grapes of Wrath
• 8. It is a novel published in 1939. It was about a family that suffered during The Great Depression.

Franklin D. Roosevelt
• 1. He was the 32 President of the United States who led the country out of the Great Depression by passing laws and creating programs. He also led the United States through most of World War ll.

New Deal
• 2. The New Deal was the name that United States President Franklin D. Roosevelt gave to his goals.

• There were 3goals.
• Relief to the unemployed and badly hunt farmers, Reform of business and financial practices, and promoting Recovery of the economy during the Great Depression.

AAA (Agricultural Adjustment Act)
• 3. Restricted agricultural production in the New Deal era by playing farmers to reduce crop area. Its purpose was to reduce crop surplus so as to effectively raise the value of crops thereby giving farmers relative stability again.

Motion Pictures
• 4. Became very popular during and following the Great Depression because they gave Americans a break from their problems.

Social Security Act
• 5. U.S. Social Security is a social insurance program funded through dedicated payroll taxes called Federal Insurance Contributions Act (FICA).
• It was created following the Great Depression to helps us with medical issues and insurance.

TVA (Tennessee Valley Authority)
• 6. It is a federally owned corporation in the United States created by congressional charter in May 1933 to provide navigation, flood control, electricity generation, fertilizer manufacturing, and economic development in the Tennessee Valley.
• The Tennessee Valley was created because of the Great Depression.

NYA (National Youth Administration)
• 7. It is a New Deal agency in the United States.
• NYA helped the United States by letting women get jobs.

NIRA (National Industrial Recovery Act)
• 8. The National Industrial Recovery Act (NIRA), officially known as the Act of June 16, 1933.
• It is an American statue which authorized the President of the United States to regulate industry and permit cartels and monopolies in an attempt to stimulate economic recovery, and which established a national works program all which helped the country recover from the Great Depression.

CCC (Civilian Conservation Corps)
• 9. It is a public work relief program for unemployed men, providing vocational training through the performance of useful work related to conservation and development of natural resources in the United States.
• It helped the United States by giving men the opportunity to work when they do not have a job and that give them training.

SEC (Federal Securities Act)
• 10. The 1933 Act has two basic objectives that helped the country’s economy recover:
• To require that investors receive significant (or “material”) information concerning securities being offered for public sale’ and
• To prohibit deceit, misrepresentations, and other fraud in the sale of securities to the public.

Monday, December 14, 2009

When people change when something bad happends

I think when people change when something bad happends is because they are trying to not think about the problem or issue they had in the past. They want to try and forget it and not Think about it. I would go to a counsler. Snd try to talk to him about it.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Country Affairs

Should the United States Get Involved in Other Countries Affairs?

I think the United States should get involved in other Countries.
The United States will get more money and learn alot about other countires affairs.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

The Gilded Age Vocabulary

Gilded Age------------>



Tuesday, November 10, 2009

When to Get Involved?

Have you ever jumped into someone else's business? If so, why?
Yes, Because I wanted to see what they are talking about like If they were talking about mondern warfare 2 coming out today i wanted to see so I can get it and hear some information about it.

Under what conditions/situations is it ok or even necessary for you to get involved in someone else's business?
It is pretty good , I guess sometimes. But they will tell you to leave and I will.

When should people mind their own business?
When they are jumping in your business or when they are staring at you, and When you are trying to do work someone talks to you and they won't stop talking.

Friday, October 23, 2009

Benjamin Franklin

He was a inventor who created a light bulb and he did many things. then He was a printer. When he was ten years old he had worked with his father. It suprised me that at ten years old he worked with his father as a printer thats young, and now days Today life is way different because you don't have to worry about the boston tea party and stuff like that .

Thursday, October 22, 2009

ABout money

Are people actions driven by money?
Yes they are.

Does money lead to happiness?
Well it depends if the person has always wanted something expensive and couldn't afford it, but now since they have the money they can get it. So I would say yes it does make happiness.

Are the people that have money any better than those that don't?
Not really because, being wealthy is not always a good thing because most rich peole they will have a 50% chance of getting robbed or something happening to there money.

How do the wealthy get their money? Was it their work or others work that makes them rich?
Well they can get many ways, they can get it buy saving up there money from since they were kids or you can save the money when you get paid from work. Sometimes its other work that gets them paid, like the iphone or applications that they had invented for the phone, but the Apple people get there money.
Is it the responsibility of those that have money to share with others? yeah only if you want to, I would make a homeless shelter for the homeless people that they will be able to get an education and beds and showers and all that stuff, and they will have to pay rent like $50 a month to stay but they will get jobs so they can pay. so yeah they should share the money.